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툴앤샵 Tool n Shop....
인기검색어 : 용접기 | UDT | 임팩 렌치
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
SELECT T.type_name From T1_User.User_company as UC left join T1_User.Company as C using(com_num)left join T1_User.Company_type as T using(type_num) WHERE UC.user_num=
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND order_type=4' at line 1
SELECT count(*) From T1_Orders.Order WHERE user_num= AND order_type=4
구매건수 : 0건
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
SELECT count(*) From T1_Estimate.Estimate WHERE user_num=
견적건수 : 0건
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
SELECT sum(OP.order_price+OP.order_tprice+OP.order_tvprice+OP.order_commission) From T1_Orders.Order as O, T1_Orders.Order_price as OP WHERE O.order_num=OP.order_num and O.order_type in (4) AND O.user_num=
  * 주문/배송 조회
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상품사진 상품정보 브랜드 판매가
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND CG.goods_pk=G.goods_pk ORDER BY CG.wdate DESC, G.st_index ASC' at line 7
SELECT 1 as K_Sort, GI.goods_num, GI.cate_num, B.brand_num as brd_num, G.goods_pk FROM
T1_Goods.Goods_info as GI
left join T1_Category.Goods as SC using(cate_num)
left join T1_Goods.Brand as B using(brd_num)
left join T1_Goods.Brand_mother as BM using(brand_num)
left join T1_Goods.Goods as G on GI.goods_num=G.goods_num
left join T1_Goods.Goods_price as GP on G.goods_pk=GP.goods_pk and GP.price_state='Y', T1_Mypage.Concern_goods as CG where GI.goods_num>0 and SC.cate_view='V' and G.goods_view='V' AND CG.user_num= AND CG.goods_pk=G.goods_pk ORDER BY CG.wdate DESC, G.st_index ASC
등록된 상품이 없습니다.

[고객 만족센터]
전화 : 0707-506-0909
팩스 : 0707-506-0912

오전 9:30 ~ 오후 5시까지
(공휴일 및 토요일 휴무)
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상호 : 툴앤샵, 사업자번호 : 504-18-11305
통신판매신고 : 2011-대구서구-0003, 대표 : 곽장표외 1명(이일우)
주소 : 대구광역시 서구 북비산로81길 1번지 (비산동)
전화 : 0707-506-0909, 팩스 : 0707-506-0912, 이메일 : toolnshop@toolnshop.kr
개인정보보호담당 : 이일우
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